Love Junkie, So damn funky
Stone cold monkey, I can’t get off my back
Love Junkie, So damn funky
Stone cold monkey, hard to shake off my jack
Love Junkie, so damn funky
Stone cold monkey, I can’t off my back
Love Junkie, stone cold monkey, here we go.
Angie Stone’s Love Junkie
I really feel that there should be a rehab center for LOVE addicts. You can check yourself into a clinic for alcohol, drugs and even sex, but where can a person go to heal themselves or get clean from an obsession of being in love with the idea of love? Love can be an addictive bad habit. You can feign for a hit or a quick fix of love just like a crack head needs to feel the tingling in their veins. You can long for love like the burning sensation of alcohol to numb the troubles of the world and blur the realities of your life like a drunk on the corner. Your body can make you believe that if you don’t have sex a certain number of times during a week that you will spontaneously explode, (No pun intended) but what about when you have this unhealthy habit of falling in love for all the wrong reasons?
What ties love to these addictive substances and behavior is that sometimes we are unknowingly chasing love. We are looking for that first high that we felt when we first experienced true love; the flutter in our stomach, the moistness in our palms, and the weakness in our knees. Now matter how many times we start over, the feeling is never the same as the first time love penetrated our hearts. We are chasing the feeling of a moment in time when we felt as though we were floating on cloud nine and no matter how great the next person is they never really have a fair chance of winning your soul.
The dictionary says addictions are those things we do habitually and compulsively. Some of use experience reckless love because it becomes a compulsive habit of falling in love. The only way we feel complete is when we feel that we are in love. Love is a wonderful feeling and I have never felt anything better, but falling in love should be a natural feeling that comes after getting to know and understand someone. I personally do not believe in love at first sight. It’s a great and romantic idea, but loving someone just with your eyes is a set up.
Since there is no such place to handle this addiction we have to be responsible for cleaning up on our own. We have to resist the compulsive urge to chase after love. We have to change our habits of how and who we date. We have to be present in love and not in love with past feelings and relationships.
Hi, my name is DemondMaurice and I am a Love Junkie.
1 comment:
Hmmm... Love Junkie, eh? Methinks you've hit on something very real. Damn! A sickness/addiction/obsession thing that many people may not even realize they are afflicted with. Yep. Love can be an addiction, but the question becomes: Is it really healthy?
Wow! Demond! You just went to a deep place, bruh.
Me... I have habit of
Good Moments and
Into my veins…
Until I’ve become
Some strange form of
Jittering to
This music
Of a past…
Tripping on times
When laughter made
Jazz and sparks in
A summer night’s
And it was so
Damn cool
To be in love and
Foolish, too.
Maybe we’re all
Just love junkies
Holding onto
Tight as
Always looking for that
Transitory fix.
See everyone
I know
Clings to
To someone
Or some shit
That may never
Come to be…
And so we
Junk ourselves
Away from Love's
Reality. We stifle
We dope
We medicate our
Silent aches
With placebos
With nicotine
With sex
With liquor
With amphetamines
With something
That makes Love feel
Closer to us... and disaster
Seem a little more like
A dream.
The only difference is:
The best of us NEVER STOP
Believing in the existence of
Real Love. :-)
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